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rose carlos wine producers

#Rose Carlos Wine Producers Florida Vineyards

Publié le par philippe Josse

Rose Carlos Wine Producers Florida Vineyards




Carlos Grape


Carlos is a predominantly bronze grape. Its maturation facilitates the use of mechanical harvesting, considered a dual-purpose cultivar for wine and fresh fruit.

 It was created by W.B. Nesbitt, V.H. Underwood, and D.E. Carroll in 1970 from North Carolina

 Relatively small in size makes it difficult to use as fresh fruit grapes in today's markets. The Carlos sometimes shows signs of development of Pierce's disease. . .




Rose Carlos Wine           Emerald Coast Wine Cellars

1708 Scenic Gulf Drive  Miramar Beach FL 32550             Florida



Phone   0018506505694              Phone   0018508379500              Fax              0018506505694

#Rose Carlos Wine Producers Florida Vineyards
#Rose Carlos Wine Producers Florida Vineyards
#Rose Carlos Wine Producers Florida Vineyards
#Rose Carlos Wine Producers Florida Vineyards
#Rose Carlos Wine Producers Florida Vineyards
#Rose Carlos Wine Producers Florida Vineyards
#Rose Carlos Wine Producers Florida Vineyards
#Rose Carlos Wine Producers Florida Vineyards

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